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Re: Information needed!!!!


In Mallorca there is an artisan workshop, family-run, engaged in the manufacture
of Mallorcan fabrics known locally as Robes de Lleng|es.
They make every effort to maintain the artisan and Mediterranean spirit which so
characterises their product, paying  particular attention to conservation,
innovation and perfecting their work.

You can contact with them through their web, http://www.galeriesvicens.com

Best regards,
Bel Llodr`.

Jane Wild wrote:

> Good day to all,
> I am in the process of collecting information and preparing a paper for the
> AICCM Textile Symposium in Queensland this coming August. As many of you may
> be aware the papers will concentrate on the diversity of treatments carried
> out by textile conservators.
> My paper will discuss treatments that have resulted in unexpected outcomes
> for whatever reason and will focus on the ingenious often-unrecorded thought
> processes used by conservators to rectify these outcomes. If any of you have
> experienced extra challenging treatments that required a different approach,
> or the steps to the desired final outcome were complex due to the nature of
> the textile, I would love to hear about it and share your information at the
> symposium.
> Please feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address
> jane.wild@xxxxxxxxxx
> Thank you.
> Jane Wild
> Textile Conservator
> National Gallery Australia

Bel Llodr` Riera
Coordinadora comunicacis digital

Fundacis IBIT
Illes Balears Innovacis Tecnolrgica


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