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TexCons List Management

Dear Members of the TexCons Mailing List:

I want to apologizes for the problems with the mailing list earlier
this week.  Sometime on March 17, the computer that the TexCons list
originates from (simsc.si.edu) crashed and was no longer functioning.
Normal service was restored on March 20.

Depending on the rules of your email system/service provider, some
messages may have been returned to you during this time periods.
Other messages could have been delayed by your ISP until service was
restored and then sent to the TexCons list for normal distribution.

If a message was returned to you, please resubmit it to TexCons.

This highlights several issues.
-  I left the Museum Support Center almost two years ago,
-  I have been managing the TexCons list on a volunteer basis since then,
-  No one is currently managing the computer hardware that the list is
	dependent on, and
-  The software is old, and does not filter out "spam", advertisements,
	 and virus messages to the list.

I have identified a new "home" for the TexCons list.  This will provide:
-  A list manager,
-  More robust hardware to host the TexCons list, and
-  Better software to manage the list, including filter capabilities
	to greatly reduce unwanted messages such as span, porn, and

It is my goal to move the TexCons list to its new home with in two weeks.
All members of the list with valid email address will be move to the new list.
When this change occurs, there will be a new email address to post messages.
Procedures for subscribing and un-subscribing will also change.
All of this critical information and the scheduled change will be posted
to the list, prior to the actual change.

Thank you.

yours, David Bridge
TexCons List Manager

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