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conference announcement and tentative programme

The Steering Committee of the North American Textile Conservation Conference
(NATCC) would be obliged if you could post the following conference announcement
and tentative programme on the TEXCONS list. The announcement is presented

Thank you very much,

Jan Vuori
NATCC Steering Committee

(See attached file: announcement with list of speakers.wpd)

North American Textile Conservation Conference 2002
Strengthening the Bond: Science and Textiles
April 5-6, 2002 (opening reception on the evening of April 4th)

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
H.F. du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE

The North America Textile Conservation Conference 2002 will focus on the role of
scientific analysis as a means of expanding our knowledge of textile history and
conservation practices.

Dr. Judith Hofenk de Graaff (The Netherlands) will give the keynote presentation
entitled Science, conservation science, conservation research, conservation:
where do the conservator and the scientist meet?

The tentative list of other speakers includes:

Katherine Barker (USA), Iron gall and the textile conservator

Deborah Bede (USA), Conservation of the Wright Flyer III: serendipity and

Lauren Chang and Paul Wyeth (USA/UK), Chemical finishes on indigo-dyed cloth: a
protocol for low-tech characterization and instrumental analysis of Miao and
Miao-related costume from Guizhou, China

Tamsin Colins (UK), A preliminary investigation to assess the effect of current
conservation cleaning methods on the core fibers of metal threads

Beatriz Devia (Colombia), The Red Mantles: a search for the dye sources present
in archaeological Colombian textiles

Kathy Francis (USA), Tapestry cleaning: characterization and removal of soils

Paul Garside and Paul Wyeth (UK), Characterization of silk deterioration

David Howell (UK), The Ardebil Carpet, and other interesting collaborations

Glennda Susan Marsh-Letts (Australia), Beneath the surface: salt movement in
archaeological textiles

A. Nunez, F. France and W.N. Marmer (USA), GC-MS analysis of trace contaminants
in historic textile fibers

Chris Paulocik and R. Scott Williams (USA/Canada), Modern materials in costume
collections: a collaboration between scientist and conservator

Maj G. Ringgaard (Denmark), An investigation of the effects of borohydride
treatments of oxidized cellulose textiles

Angharad Rixon (Australia), A fault in the thread? Examining fibers taken from
laces of the 16th and 17th centuries

Lorena Roman and Jorge Garcia (Mexico), Characterization and evaluation of
polyester fabric: a flag study

Melanie Sanford (USA), Detecting and removing aged deodorant and
anti-perspirants on textiles

Mika Takami and Paul Wyeth (UK), Studies on a Korean painted silk banner:
identification of layer structure, binding medium, and pigments

Season Tse (Canada), Wash water quality requirements for textile conservation:
an overview of CCI research

In addition two pre-conference workshops will be offered:
Introduction to Instrumental Analysis for Textile Conservators led by Jan
Carlson, Senior Scientist, Winterthur Museum
An Introduction to Cleaning Systems for Textile Conservators led by Richard
Wolbers, Associate Professor, Winterthur/University of Delaware Art Conservation

For more information contact: Linda Eaton, Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE
302-888-4652, leaton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Attachment: announcement with list of speakers.wpd
Description: Binary data

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