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RE: cleaning vinyl

I have cleaned vinyl surfaces on several Pop-Art works of art.  First my

Are these marks actually accretions (color on the surface) or loss of the
surface layer?  Is the vinyl matte or glossy?
Is the vinyl thin or thick?  Is it on a fabric support?

Carol Kropnick

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-texcons@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-texcons@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Nancy Love
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 11:30 AM
To: List Textiles
Subject: cleaning vinyl

Has anyone had experience removing scuff marks from
vinyl?  I have been asked to conserve, for exhibition,
a 35 year year old yellow vinyl bathing suit.  The
suit has "scuff marks" (cause unknown).  It has been
suggested that I cover them over with pastels for the
exhibition.  Any ideas?  I would appreciate
suggestions as soon as possible.

Thanks,  Nancy Love

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