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Query about a southern African women's textile group

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Hello Jocelyn,

I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of the organizing committee for a
UNESCO project  «Tissage & Métissage»  in Québec City, July 2000.  The 3 day
event touched on these issues you mentioned.  A full day was committed to 3
round table discussions: identity through handwoven fabrics, weaving and fashion
and the development of micro-economies.  The grande finale was a fashion show on
one of our trendy  Québec City streets whereby the invited International and
Québec weavers, who had previously supplied selected Québec designers with their
fabrics, had thier fabrics modelled to the general public.  The general
objective was to get weavers and designers working together.  During the
roundtable discussion Québec designers expressed an interest in purchasing
handwoven fabrics from international sources, including Africa.  Both
high-ranking Provincial and Federal government officials were invited.

For more details on the project and further sources - a final report was
published on the event - please contact :

Mme. Ndèye Fall
Representative to Canada
UNESCO Canada (Québec)
56,rue Saint-Pierre, bureau 400
Québec (Québec)
G1k 4A1

Tel: 1 (418) 692-3333
Fax: 1 (418) 692-2562
Email: quebec@xxxxxxxxxx

Apparently this was the first international project of this nature conducted by
UNESCO.  However a similar project concerning African textiles was held in Paris
in 1999   «Magicien du fil».  You could also inquire as to wether there was a
final report written.  Also Mme. Fall is a delightful women from the Ivory
Coast, so that she might be able to give you some more detailed information on

Your project sounds very interesting.  If you require any further details please
contact me. I also have an MA in Anthropology and the topic of my thesis was the
micro-economy of a group of hand-loom weavers on the Ile d'Orléans near Québec
City, and is as such always a topic close to my heart.

All the best with your endeavours,

Sharon Little
Chief - Textile Conservation Laboratory
Centre de conservation du Québec
1825, rue Semple
Québec (Québec)
G1N 4B7

Tel: (418) 643-7001
Fax; (418) 646-5419
Email: sharon.little@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

---------------------- Envoyée par Sharon Little/CCQ/QC/MCC le 2001-05-30 14:19

Lisa Aronson <laronson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> le 2001-05-26 12:09:06

Veuillez répondre à tsalist@xxxxxxxx

Pour :    TSAlist@xxxxxxxx
cc :   (ccc : Sharon Little/CCQ/QC/MCC)
Objet :   Query about a southern African women's textile group

I received th following message through my African Arts listserve.  Perhaps
one of you out there would like to respond to Jocelyn. Her full name is
Jocelyn Banyard "Mice Nice," and she can be emailed at
<micearenice@xxxxxxxxxxx>. Please don't respond to me:

Jodelyn writes:

I am working with a womans textile group in southern Africa.

I am looking for models of interaction between power groups - models that
can be used to look at the relationship between artist groups or craft
cooperatives and the the people from outside the group who work with them,
i.e.consultants, development volunteers, market agents, buisness managers.

Any ideas where I could find this information?

Lisa Aronson
Associate Professor and Director of Art History
Department of Art and Art History
Skidmore College
Saratoga Spring, NY 12866
OFFICE: 518-580-5057
FAX: 518-580-5028
EMAIL: laronson@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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