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Re: Virus

    Thank you for the message about a virus (worm) that I may have
inadvertantly passed on to you. I think there is either an error or
someone is using my address--
   I could not find any evidence of the exec file you
mentioned-nkfndlnk- I then had my virus program (InoculateiT0 scan my
entire hard disc and came up with nothing.
    I always have my antivirus program running, from the moment my
machine starts up. Additionally I have a firewall that is also activated
at start-up. Also, neither I or my wife (who checks in with your site)
were awake at that ungodly hour. I turn my computer off at night and
turn it back on again in the AM-- usually about 7-7:30 AM Pacific time.
    Barb and I never open an attachment unless we are made aware of the
content, by the sender. Ever since I was stung by a virus sent me from a
friends computer that I fortunately did not open-- just dumb luck-- I
was in a hurry at the time I opened my e-mail and was going to open it,
on my return. There was another e-mail from that friend warning me of
the potential problem.
    I've been getting a few ha-ha-e-mails with a  snow white and the 7
dwarfs attachment that I've been deleting, without opening. Just had one
today. Before I scanned--.
    Len H

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