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plus a way to use those old white gloves up

- you know the ones that just won't wash clean anymore but you can't let
the curators/preparators/directors use them because they don't "look"
clean! <g>
Meg Geiss-Mooney
Textile/Costume Conservator
who uses the old white gloves to also check the oil in her old Saab
(driving the neighbors crazy)
Susan Mathisen wrote:
> I was once told (by whom, I can't remember) that Neutrogena Hand Cream was
> the best cream to use, as it didn't leave any residue on the skin that could
> affect the textile.  As one with very dry skin too, I found that it absorbed
> well and actually relieved the roughness et al.
> Of course, you could also rub some petroleum jelly cream on your hands at
> night and sleep with white cotton gloves on.   I've been doing that for
> ages, and the difference in the way my hands feel and look is unbelievable.
> Susan Mathisen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ikarsten <ikarsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: TexCons <texcons@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 1:35 PM
> Subject: Preventing dry hands
> >I would like some advice on products and strategies for preventing my hands
> >from drying out from frequent hand washing during the day.  I have
> naturally
> >dry skin and washing just makes matters worse.  After a while the roughness
> of
> >my skin becomes a liability since fibres and yarns tend to catch on it.
> Does
> >anyone know of a good soap or moisturizer that minimizes dryness and an
> >appropriate method of using these to ensure that hands are clean when
> working
> >with artifacts?  I am interested in products that can be used at the end of
> >the day as well as those for use during the day.
> >
> >Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance for your help.
> >
> >Irene Karsten
> >
> >Doctoral Student in Textile Conservation
> >Department of Human Ecology
> >3-02 Human Ecology Building
> >University of Alberta
> >Edmonton, Alberta
> >Canada  T6G 2N1
> >
> >Phone: 780-492-5385
> >Fax: 780-492-4821
> >E-mail: ikarsten@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >

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