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Re: Preventing dry hands

I was once told (by whom, I can't remember) that Neutrogena Hand Cream was
the best cream to use, as it didn't leave any residue on the skin that could
affect the textile.  As one with very dry skin too, I found that it absorbed
well and actually relieved the roughness et al.

Of course, you could also rub some petroleum jelly cream on your hands at
night and sleep with white cotton gloves on.   I've been doing that for
ages, and the difference in the way my hands feel and look is unbelievable.

Susan Mathisen

-----Original Message-----
From: ikarsten <ikarsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: TexCons <texcons@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 1:35 PM
Subject: Preventing dry hands

>I would like some advice on products and strategies for preventing my hands
>from drying out from frequent hand washing during the day.  I have
>dry skin and washing just makes matters worse.  After a while the roughness
>my skin becomes a liability since fibres and yarns tend to catch on it.
>anyone know of a good soap or moisturizer that minimizes dryness and an
>appropriate method of using these to ensure that hands are clean when
>with artifacts?  I am interested in products that can be used at the end of
>the day as well as those for use during the day.
>Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance for your help.
>Irene Karsten
>Doctoral Student in Textile Conservation
>Department of Human Ecology
>3-02 Human Ecology Building
>University of Alberta
>Edmonton, Alberta
>Canada  T6G 2N1
>Phone: 780-492-5385
>Fax: 780-492-4821
>E-mail: ikarsten@xxxxxxxxxxx

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