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Re: bibliography on textiles in interior decoration - joint effort

Dear Karin von Lerber--Thank you very much for putting this bibliography together! It is wonderful. And please, do not think we (your discussion list recipients) are lazy or unappreciative! The computers go down, the projects are due at work, the topic may not be one we are familiar with, or our bookshelves have titles that may be pertinent only to a certain area, that you have already or that are out of print. Mary Ballard

>>> karin.vonlerber@xxxxxxxxxx 02/16/01 10:22AM >>>
Dear Colleagues,
we have now made the updated version of the bibliography accesible on a *hidden* page on our homepage under : www.prevart.ch/biblio.htm .  We are now at slightly more than 180 titles, and we have also realized, that in the first version, the comments have been cut off after 214 characters... we hope that this time, you will be able to see all of it.

We will leave this bibliography online until end of March 2001 for donwload, after that date we will remove this page from our homepage.
Further hints are still welcome, as well as special requests if you are researching a certain area.

In general, turnout of help from all of you was rather small (only three contributions with a total of 8 titles)...  We have been discussing this phaenomenon amongst the Swiss Textile conservators, as the reasons might be relevant for further "joint-effort-projects" suggested by Jenny Barnett in Amsterdam. One reason might have been, that people were completely overwhelmed by the mass of over 130 already existing entries and therefore thought, they could certainly not help anymore. It, however, turned out, that I had forgotten some titles, some of you have published, and it went unnoticed by these authors.... The reason why I made the first 130 titles accessible was to prevent you from thinking that I was just lazy and hoping you would do the work for me. I also did not want you to have to enter titles already known to me (to save your time). But obviously this strategy was in some ways contra-productive. I therefore welcome any comments on whether this kind of jont-effort-pro!
ject is appreciated, on reasons why it did not (yet?) work as expected / hoped for, etc.

Thanks to those who actively contributed to this "pilote" project!

Sincerely, Karin von Lerber

Prevart GmbH
Konzepte für die Kulturgütererhaltung
Oberseenerstr. 93
CH-8405 Winterthur
Tel. *41 (0)52-233 12 54
Fax *41 (0)52-233 12 57
e-mail: karin.vonlerber@xxxxxxxxxx 
Website: www.prevart.ch

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