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RE: Labels

Hi Nancy - 
When we place objects in these folder mounts, they are covered by tissue
held down by the matte, and then have a gap created by the window portion of
the mount, so they are not in direct contact with the Mylar. I've also been
wary of Mylar in the past in that respect... 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Love [mailto:nancyklove@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 9:03 PM
To: List Textiles
Subject: Re: Labels

Thanks to everyone for your responses.  

After reading them over, I realized that my original
questions were confusing.  I should have stated that
the textiles I plan to sew labels onto are in good
condition, and Karin addressed my question about
materials for the labels.  My second question was
about alternative methods of labeling for more fragile
textiles, and Becky addressed that question.

Their dialog made me aware of inconsistencies in my
own wellhought out label theories and arguments.  I
too thought that Becky was speaking of labeling all
fragments by writing with pencil on the folders.  I
too thought that objects without labels might get
lost, mixed up, etc.  However, I am also consulting on
a collection of very fragile carbonized textile
fragments, and it has never occurred to me sew labels
on them, and I will put them into mounts with the
labels on the folders and the fragments may get lost,
mixed up, etc...

So now that I hopefully have cleared up my confusing
question, and confused myself, I have yet another

I would like to know if people using the Mylar and
pellon envelopes have experienced a problem with
static charge?  I have observed that the static charge
develops on synthetic mount materials will literally
pull fibers off of highly degraded textiles.  The
charge develops as the mount is moved around on a work
surface, particularly one covered with Ethafoam.  The
charge will dissipate very slowly as the object rests
in storage.  I belive that a charge would develop as
the mount slides in and out of a Mylar envelope.  For
this reason, I am hesitant to use synthetic materials,
even though Mylar and pellon are appealing and
effective in many ways.

Thanks, Nancy

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