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Re: Labelling fragile textiles

I have used a very similar technique as that described by Vivien Chapman but 
use 3 mm borderless silk ribbon (the type used to join fan blades) and on 
occasion, the thicker woven selvedge edge of crepeline.  I use B72 or diluted 
archival PVA to stabilize the cut ends, applying the stabilizer with a fine 
brush, then cutting within the mark when dry.

In addition to being very lightweight for fragile textiles described in the 
initial posting, I find the silk ribbon labels less conspicuous when 
exhibiting lace, open weave fabrics, and  other textiles that may have the 
labeling area exposed during display.

The ribbon comes in a variety of colors, but I have only used white, ecru and 
black.  Widths up to 10 mm are also available.  I will be happy to post the 
source if anyone is interested (another way of saying I must find the address 

Jane Hammond
Private Conservator     

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