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[padg] FW: Emailing: DPE Digital Preservation Europe.htm

This is a great animated video on Digital Preservation.

Robert E. Schnare
Library Director
Naval War College
686 Cushing Road
Newport, RI 02841
401-841-6491  fax  

Title: DPE: Digital Preservation Europe
DPE: Digital Preservation Europe

DigitalPreservationEurope(DPE), building on the earlier successful work of ERPANET, facilitates pooling of the complementary expertise that exists across the academic research, cultural, public administration and industry sectors in Europe.

DPE fosters collaboration and synergies between many existing national and international initiatives across the European Research Area.

DPE addresses the need to improve coordination, cooperation and consistency in current activities to secure effective preservation of digital materials. DPE's success will help to secure a shared knowledge base of the processes, synergy of activity, systems and techniques needed for the long-term management of digital material.

Latest News:

Digital Preservation and Nuclear Disaster: An Animation

Posted on 6th May 2009

see on youtube.com

New DPE Briefing Papers

Posted on 31st March 2009

1, Digital photographs and thier preservation
2, Digital Preservation in Radiology
See all DPE briefing papers in english here.

New DPE Briefing Papers Translations available

Posted on 21st March 2009

You may now read 5 more BP in Italian:
- Considerazioni sulla conservazione dei blog
- Sistemi d?identificazione permanente nel settore della Pubblica Amministrazione
- Il modello dati di PrestoSpace
- Gli Identificatori Persistenti per i Beni Culturali
- Interoperabilita: Un concetto chiave su larga scala per biblioteche digitali durature. See new and previous Italian Briefing Paper here.

DPE Release Online Digital Preservation Training Videos

Posted on 3rd March 2009

DPE are pleased to announce the release of video recordings taken at the DPE/Planets/CASPAR/nestor Joint Training Event: Starting out: Preserving Digital Objects - Principles and Practice 13-17 October 2008.

DPE are committed to making digital preservation materials available to the widest possible audience and to breaking down barriers to access. The release of this new resource marks an important step reaching this goal. See the videos here.

DPE Briefing paper translation

Posted on 2nd February 2009

Daniele Metilli translated the DPE Briefing paper "LOCKSS: Re-establishing Librarians as custodians of journal content" into Italian. See the paper here.

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