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[padg] 2009 R&D Guidelines and Deadline Announcement.doc

Title: The Division of Preservation and Access of the National Endowment for the Humanities will be accepting applications for grants in the Research and Development grant competition


NEH Preservation and Access Research and Development Deadline and Guidelines Announcement


The Division of Preservation and Access of the National Endowment for the Humanities will be accepting applications for grants in the Research and Development grant competition.  Projects may include efforts to:


Eligible projects may include efforts to


  • Develop technical standards, best practices, and tools for preserving and creating access to humanities collections.


  • Explore more effective scientific and technical methods of preserving humanities collections.


  • Develop automated procedures and computational tools to integrate humanities data in disparate online resources.


  • Investigate and test new ways of providing digital access to humanities materials that are not amenable to standard modes of digitization.


NEH especially encourages applications that address the following areas:


  • Digital Preservation: how to preserve digital humanities materials, including those for which no analog counterparts exist.


  • Recorded Sound and Moving Image Collections: how to preserve and increase access to the record of the twentieth century contained in these formats.


  • Preventive Conservation: how to protect and slow the deterioration of humanities collections through the use of sustainable preservation strategies.


The new guidelines, which include sample proposal narratives, may be found at



The application receipt deadline of July 30, 2009 is for projects beginning May 2010. All applications submitted to NEH must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov; see guidelines for details.


Prospective applicants seeking further information are encouraged to contact the Division at 202-606-8570 or preservation@xxxxxxx .


A list of recent R&D awards (2005-2009) is available by emailing preservation@xxxxxxx .


Program staff will read draft proposals submitted six weeks before the deadline.




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