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[padg] 2 Day Preservation Conference, Boston, MA, November 14-15

For those of you working in, or simply interested in, preservation, consider registering for the New England Archivists Fall Meeting in Boston.  Register by Friday, Halloween, to get the early registration price!

For All Time (And in All Media?): 
Preserving Cultural Heritage in New England 

New England Archivists Fall 2008 Meeting
November 14-15, 2008
Simmons College, Boston, MA

Friday, November 14, 2008 

12:30 - 5:00 PM Registration

1:30 - 2:30 PM Opening Plenary - Working with First Responders and Emergency Managers. Sara Wolf, National Park Service 

Following a disaster, there is an immediate urge to rescue your collections and begin the process of putting your organization back together. However, your first instincts may not be the best. Knowing how to work with first responders and emergency managers can help reduce anxiety and ensure your safety. Understanding how your organization fits within your community's response framework will strongly influence the success of your own recovery efforts. 

2:45 - 3:45 PM Theme I - Traditional Preservation - Preventive Conservation for Cultural Property in Historic Buildings: Practical Environmental Control and Lighting at the Shelburne Museum. Rick Kerschner, Shelburne Museum 

With carbon emissions increasing and energy costs soaring, museums and archives must embrace energy efficient methods to preserve their collections. For the past two decades, Shelburne Museum has been leading the efforts to broaden safe humidity and temperature standards for collections in historic buildings and develop practical and efficient environmental control methods. Mr. Kerschner will discuss the pros and cons of alternatives to traditional museum HVAC systems such as conservation heating, conservation ventilation, and conservation air conditioning. He will also present a building classification system that helps building stewards determine which practical systems to install in their historic building. The development of a safe, energy efficient, 
in-case LED lighting system for Shelburne Museum's collections of dolls, toys, automatons, and miniature interiors will also be presented. 

4:00 - 5:00 PM Discussion Sessions 

Funding and Grant Writing 
Shelley Quezada 
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 

Gregor Trinkaus-Randall 
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 

Preservation Outreach to Non-Archivists 
Mary Caldera 
Yale University 

Ephemera - What Is It And What Do We Do With It? 
Nancy Noble 
Maine Historical Society 

Emergency Management from the MEMA Perspective 
David Glazebrook 
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency 

5:15 - 6:15 PM Reception

Saturday, November 15, 2008

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Registration

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Exhibitor Hall

9:00 - 10:00 AM Theme II - Audio Preservation Digitization: Best Practice Basics. Andy Kolovos, Vermont Folklife Center 

This presentation will provide a plain-language introduction to current best practices for audio preservation digitization in the archival context. My goal is to assist smaller institutions who are confronting the challenges of audio digitization and digital file management and storage. 

10:15 - 11:15 AM Discussion Sessions 

Audio Reformatting 
Christie Peterson 
Muskie Archives and Special Collections 
Bates College 

Film Preservation 
David Weiss 
Northeast Historic Film 

Storage Solutions for Prints and Negatives 
Martha Mahard 
Simmons College 

Video Preservation: Reel to Real Time or a Brave New World 
Leah Weisse 
WGBH Media Archives & Preservation Center 

Copyright and Archives 
Melanie Dulong de Rosnay 
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School 

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Theme III - Why Does It Cost So Much? Decisions and Choices in Managing Preservation. Amy Friedlander,
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) 

This paper discusses some of the recent discussions and issues related to managing preservation of resources. While the immediate focus is long term sustainability of digital materials, many of the decisions transcend the medium and concern institutional mission, priorities and decisions about resources and collections. 

12:30 - 1:45 PM Lunch in the Simmons Cafeteria

1:45 - 2:45 PM Theme III Discussion Sessions

Metadata and Digital Preservation 
Rob Wolfe 
MIT Libraries 

Collaborative Models for Digital Preservation 
Eliot Wilczek 
Tufts University 

Planning For Preservation When Creating Digital Projects 
Nancy Heywood 
Massachusetts Historical Society 

JPEG2000: What Is It And What Is It Good For? Uses for the Digitization of Photographic and Audio-Visual Materials 
Tom Blake 
Boston Public Library 

Do's and Don'ts of Daily Digital Doings 
Kathy Bolduc Amoroso 
Director of Digital Projects 
Maine Historical Society 

3:00 - 4:00 PM Closing Plenary - Is it all Web 2.0? Cultural Heritage in a Digital World. Ross Harvey, Simmons College 

Cultural heritage is increasingly digital heritage. To what extent are the lessons learned from archival and preservation practice applied to traditional (non-digital) cultural heritage transferable to digital cultural heritage? This talk notes some of the similarities and differences, and attempts to indicate where the major challenges ahead lie in digital preservation. 

4:15 - 5:30 PM Closing Tea Reception & Raffle

Registration forms available at: 
< http://www.newenglandarchivists.org/activities/meetings/F08_reg_form.pdf >

Announcing Fall 2008 NEA Educational Workshops!

To be held in conjunction with the Fall 2008 NEA meeting at Simmons
College in Boston, MA on November 14, 2008.

Getting Up and Running After a Disaster: a Tabletop Exercise Half-day
workshop, Friday, 8:30-12:30 PM. Instructors: Patrick Mooney (FEMA),
Jill Snyder (NARA Northeast Region), Gregor Trinkaus-Randall (MBLC).
Registration forms available at:

Introduction to Digital Object Modeling and Representation: Using the
Archivists Toolkit SAA Full day workshop, Friday. Instructor Arwen Hutt
(University of California, San Diego) Register at www.archivists.org 

For additional information, please visit us at 

Donia Conn
Field Service Representative
Northeast Document Conservation Center
100 Brickstone Sq.
Andover, MA  01810
P:  978-470-1010 x220
F:  978-475-6021


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