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[padg] RE: Two off-site storage questions

I.    KU Annex cleaning procedures
Collections selected for the ANNEX are dusted and examined for condition problems, signs of mold or insect damage (in case they require preservation attention).  Some items are stabilized on-the-spot as part of this initial pre-transfer process, by tying or placing into TYVEK accordion bags.  Preservation has worked closely with this group of people to help prepare them for this work.
Our Annex people also inspect, clean and vacuum all collections (individually) upon delivery to the Annex.  This cleaning is undertaken in a dedicated collections cleaning room adjacent to the delivery dock.  A number of the photos (mounted on our Annex website) will give you a sense of the set-up and cleaning-in-progress.  Preservation also has worked with ANNEX staff to help them undertake this work. www.lib.ku.edu/annex/construction/photos_apr06.shtml
ANNEX Manager, John Brandau, would be able to provide additional details (his contact info available on the ANNEX website).
II.    Annex (and library) environmental monitoring
We have six Hobos (HO8-003-02) in the ANNEX to monitor storage conditions.  These are placed (roughly) as follows: 
1) Two HOBOs on each end of the storage space---so there are 4 total (one on a high shelf and one low---at each end)   
2) Two HOBOs in the center aisle (one on a high shelf and one low).
Conditions vary among these monitors, but not radically.  We average around 47 degreesF and 31%RH.
In the Libraries, we have about 25ish HOBOs altogether (along with shuttles and software that are used for gathering and transferring data into Climate Notebook---I can give you more detail if you want) for monitoring conditions--- since 2006ish (this includes various library monitoring locations, our main outdoor bookdrop-UGH and the six I've already mentioned in the ANNEX).
Data from the HOBOs is gathered and sent electronically to preservation every month or two (I can't remember exactly how often but the HOBOs record temp & RH every 30 minutes---btw, I'm thinking of lengthening this interval).
After gathering the data and transferring it to Climate Notebook software, we mount a screen shot report of the Climate Notebook Collection Manager Summary in a shared folder so everyone in the Libraries can view any of these reports at any time.  The Collection Manager Summary seems to provide the most basic information and does so most directly and understandably.  I've attached a copy of our ANNEX report fyi---this particular report is a cumulation of data since we mounted the HOBOs in 2006 (you'll notice one point, early on, when we forgot to recalibrate the monitoring interval after initial testing so the HOBOs filled up and stopped recording until we figured out what we'd done). 
The only issue we've encountered with the HOBOs and the data shuttles is that they require new batteries every so often so expect that.  I also remember we had another problem (either a HOBO or shuttle simply didn't work---can't remember what)---we sent it to the company and problem was resolved.
I do seem to remember some discussion on one list that the HOBOs go out of calibration (which makes sense).  I can't address this because I haven't checked ours but (now that I'm thinking of it) we probably should check our calibrations.
Hope all this helps.  Let me know if you want additional information.
Tyra Grant
Head, Preservation Department
University of Kansas Libraries
Phone: 785-864-8951

From: Paula De Stefano [mailto:pd3@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 9:18 AM
Subject: [padg] Two off-site storage questions

Hi all,


I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has intake policy or procedures for materials entering their library’s offsite storage facility that protect against contaminates, such as mold and insects, being introduced into the facility, or any policies regarding cleanliness of materials.


Also, I’m interested in what type of environmental monitoring people are using. Dataloggers? If so, what type, what strategy was used to place them and how often are they checked? Are you satisfied with them?


Thank you!





Paula De Stefano (destefano@xxxxxxx)

Head, Preservation Department

Barbara Goldsmith Preservation &

    Conservation Department

New York University Libraries

70 Washington Square South, LL2

New York, NY 10012

Phone: 212/998-2563

Fax: 212/995-4566



Attachment: ANNEX#16, 4-L-15-5-2008-Sep-17-CollMgr.pdf
Description: ANNEX#16, 4-L-15-5-2008-Sep-17-CollMgr.pdf

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