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[padg] Using TRAC

(Please forgive any duplication)




Becky Ryder and I are co chairing the Digital Preservation Discussion group, which will be meeting at 8am on Sunday morning, June 29th, at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim.  We are planning a session/panel on the Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification (TRAC): Criteria and Checklist document.  (see http://www.crl.edu/content.asp?l1=13&l2=58&l3=162&l4=91 ).


If you or someone in your Library are planning to use, are using or have used this document, would you please contact Cathy Martyniak directly?


Thank you,




Cathleen L. Martyniak

Preservation Department

University of Florida Smathers Libraries

Gainesville, FL 32611

(voice) 352 273 2830

(fax) 352 392 6597

(email) cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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