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[padg] New co-chair for PADG

Hello fellow PADGers-


After the ALA Annual meeting in Anaheim this year, I will need to step down as co-chair of the Preservation Administration Discussion Group.  So, I am looking to see if anyone is interested in picking up the torch and carrying it on with Jake Nadal for a year, and then for a following year with a new co-chair until ALA Annual 2010. 


If more than one person volunteers, we will have a vote at the PADG meeting in Anaheim this June.


Let me or Jake know if you are interested in volunteering!


Thanks so much,


Tara D. Kennedy
Preservation Field Services Librarian
Preservation Department
Yale University
Sterling Memorial Library
130 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 432-4335 (Voice)
(203) 432-9900 (FAX)
"let me help you help your library!"


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