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[padg] Reposting for PQTDG

Hi Everyone:

Sorry for the confusion. I meant to say Sunday, not Saturday for the Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group.

Here is the correct info.

Please join the Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group for a lively discussion of environmental monitoring.

Date: Sunday, 1/13/2008

Place: Crowne Plaza, Room Liberty B

Time: 10:30-12:00

Presentation: From Pens to Bits, Developing a robust Environmental Monitoring Program for the Harvard College Libraries

Discussion: Current trends and needs in environmental monitoring

Thanks to everyone who sent messages about my error!
Carie McGinnis
Co-Chair, Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group

Carie McGinnis
Collections Conservator, Conservation Services
Widener Library, Room D-10
Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 496-2303 Email: mcginnis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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