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[padg] Agenda for PADG Midwinter

Hello All-


Please find attached the proposed agenda for the PADG Midwinter meeting at the Sheraton Philadelphia, Liberty Ballroom A, from 9-12:30pm.  We will be talking about the future re-structuring of PARS and will continue our discussion from the DC Annual meeting about Preservation Programs in the Digital Age, this time including librarians and professors on the discussion panel.


If you are interested in making an announcement during the announcement time, please let me or Jake know and we will add you to the list.


Hope to see everyone there!


On behalf of Jake and myself, Happy New Year!


Tara D. Kennedy
Preservation Field Services Librarian
Preservation Department
Yale University
Sterling Memorial Library
130 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 432-4335 (Voice)
(203) 432-9900 (FAX)
"let me help you help your library!"


Attachment: PADG Midwinter Philly Agenda 1-12-08.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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