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Re: [padg] preservation history

Whoa! Return with me now to those days of yesteryear when ...

I worked in the Conservation Lab at Yale when all these tapes were produced by a series of interns working there on a 3-year NEH grant. It fell to me to respond to orders for these sets, to mark and test, to talk with the folks who reproduced the sets, etc. My little heart skipped several beats just now, thinking of those days and all those people.

What, no "Care and Handling" sets left for the ages??


Quoting Roberta Pilette <roberta.pilette@xxxxxxxx>:

I'm not sure that anyone is interested in this, but before I throw them away. I have been cleaning out nooks 'n crannies and have in hand at least half a dozen copies of the two different slide/tape shows that Yale put together in the 80s: 'Simple Repairs for Library Materials' and 'Commercial Library Binding, The Librarian's View'. We are keeping a set of each for our archives, but I am willing to send out the duplicate sets to whomever is interested. These are 35mm slides and tape cassettes along with a paper copy of the script.

Just contact me off list.

Bobbie Pilette
Preservation Department
Yale University Library
130 Wall Street
PO Box 208240
New Haven, CT  06520-8240

phone:  203-432-1714
email:  roberta.pilette@xxxxxxxx

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