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Re: [padg] preservation history

Wow. Looks like he has a biographical file. I'll have to check. Annie

At 01:23 PM 8/23/2007, you wrote:
Ms. Pilette,
I would be very interested in these materials, particularly the 'Simple Repairs for Library Materials'. I teach Basic Book Repair classes through the North Carolina Preservation Consortium and this would probably be a great resource.

Thank you very much.
Have a great day.

Rachel Hoff
Rachel L. Hoff
Health Sciences Library CB 7585
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27312

Roberta Pilette wrote:

I'm not sure that anyone is interested in this, but before I throw them away. I have been cleaning out nooks 'n crannies and have in hand at least half a dozen copies of the two different slide/tape shows that Yale put together in the 80s: 'Simple Repairs for Library Materials' and 'Commercial Library Binding, The Librarian's View'. We are keeping a set of each for our archives, but I am willing to send out the duplicate sets to whomever is interested. These are 35mm slides and tape cassettes along with a paper copy of the script.
Just contact me off list.
Bobbie Pilette
Preservation Department
Yale University Library
130 Wall Street
PO Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520-8240
phone: 203-432-1714
email: roberta.pilette@xxxxxxxx

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