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Re: [padg] pandemic planning

A similar question came in to the ALA Library last fall.

I put the answer, such as it was, on the ALA Professional Tips wiki at:

I've just opened up a page in the wiki (http://wikis.ala.org/professionaltips/index.php/Pandemic_Planning -- in the Administration and Management area, under Disaster Response) for Pandemic Planning, reworking the original answer and added Walter's cites.  I'd be grateful for any of you to add to that page (or any other, for that matter) as you work on this topic.

(And perhaps PARS can work on a "best practices" document--perhaps collaborating with the LAMA LOMS Risk Management Committee .....)

-- Karen Muller, MLS
   Librarian and Knowledge Management Specialist
   American Library Association
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   Chicago, IL 60611 USA


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-- Check out the ALA Library's tools for you:
Professional Tips wiki: http://wikis.ala.org/professionaltips/index.php/Main_Page
Librarian's E-Library: http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=015271347771663724636%3Acmwvisovdsg
>>> Janet Gertz <gertz@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 07/09/07 12:36 PM >>>
As part of larger campus-wide planning, I've been appointed to head the 
library's planning for how we will operate if a pandemic occurs.  I 
would appreciate hearing from anyone else whose institutions are 
addressing this situation.

Janet Gertz
Director for Preservation
Columbia University Libraries

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