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[PADG:1279] Surface printing on CDs and DVDs

Hi all,
Thanks to Tyra for the handy links below.  Can anyone suggest resources about the long-term effects of surface printing on CDs and DVDs or perhaps relay your own experience?  One of our librarians is wondering if surface printing is a way to safely label discs that are dub masters. 
Ann Marie

"Grant, Tyra" <tgrant@xxxxxx> wrote:
I'll try again to send these links (which somehow didn't make it to the list)...all of these are worth knowing about.  Tyra Grant
Three recent works on CDs/DVDs; I suspect you have these but not sure others have seen all three.

Ann Marie Willer
Preservation Services Librarian
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Building 14-0513
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617-253-5692 phone

Send ALA business to: AMWillerALA@xxxxxxxxx

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