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[PADG:911] binding fascicles

I'm working with our Classics librarian to come up with the best way
to bind fascicles both with an initial bind and then binding together
fascicles into a volume. This is primiarily for dictionaries, such as
various European languages into Medieval Latin which have irregular
publication dates years apart and may be published over decades.
Questions that came up and we would like input from other
institutions are:

Where do you shelve your fascicles? Are they on the general shelves,
in Reference, or behind a desk?

Do you bind each fascicle individually? What type of binding? (pam or

Who gathers together the fascicles to be bound into a volume? 

How are they tracked so that the person responsible knows to gather
them together? (cataloger as they are received, annual review of
fascicle titles, notes in the catalog? if there are notes in the
catalog where is the note and what does it say?) 

Any input would be appreciated.

If you respond directly to me and there is a fair bit of interest
I'll summarize for the list.

-Erika Lindensmith
Library Conservator
University of California, Berkeley

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