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[PADG:732] Re: updated disaster website

Hi Jeanne,

I did a quick search on this software and did not see a mention of a couple of things for NYS.  Cornell University has a freezer on their campus that is available to NYS institutions.  The contact person would be Barbara Berger.  Also the NYS Program provides disaster assistance in the form of consultation and funding.  I am not sure in what format you need this info, so let me know what you need.

Nice work, do you plan on sending this out to the non-preservation community?  


>>> drewes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 11/09/05 6:03 PM >>>
Dear Colleagues,
	I am pleased to announce the updated website for disaster mitigation and preparedness at

You will note new features which include multiple state searching, state plus national resource searching, and many additional entries that cover much of the country.  Should you find any errors please report them and if you have resources that would be useful, please consider adding them, or contact me to see about getting them added to this resource.  Partial funding for this updated and much improved resource was accomplished through funding from the California Preservation Program.  

Jeanne Drewes
Assistant Director for Access & Preservation
Michigan State University Libraries
100 Library, Room W 108A
East Lansing, MI  48824-1048
517 432 6123 ext 147
Fax 517 353 8969
drewes@xxxxxxx <mailto:drewes@xxxxxxx>

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