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[PADG:655] poster sessions for PADG in San Antonio

Good afternoon all,
I know it feels like ALA Midwinter is months away (and it is!!) but with the holiday season approaching rapidly, the time to start planning for San Antonio is NOW. Midwinter PADG 2006 will be on Saturday, January 21st in the morning.  Therefore, please put your PADG poster session hats on and start considering possible poster ideas.   
Topics we saw in Boston and Chicago included, but were not limited to:
Attached, please find a document outlining a few more details regarding possible size and shape of poster, safe transportation details, set up and break down time information, content suggestions, etc. 
And finally, though I am beginning to sound like a broken record, please be assured that Jane and I are working with the ALA bureacracy to ensure that we have enough space this time.  
Cathy and Jane
Cathleen L. Mook
Head, Preservation
University of Florida
Box 117007
Gainesville, FL 32611
(voice) 352-392-6962
(fax) 352-392-6597
(email) cmook@xxxxxxx

Attachment: PADG Poster Session GuidelinesMid06.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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