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[PADG:616] RE: cafes in Libraries

    About 5 years ago the MSU Libraries added a cafe  in the main building.  We receive half of the profits from all sales and currently the cafe is open the same hours as the library.  Don Etherington once said to me at a PADG meeting that "it is a slippery slope once you let drink or food in the library" and he is correct.  At first all food had to be consumed in the cafe and the only drinks allowed outside the cafe were to be in spill proof containers.  That didn't last very long, soon food was being eaten in most study areas except where their were staff to monitor.  At this point we have actually changed the food and drink policy to say what is happening rather than try to enforce the rules. 
That said I should also say that we have no additional materials being damaged by food and drink, but we do have higher cleaning costs to clean off sticky study tables to remove spill stains from carpeting, all costs I told people to expect.  We have more trash pickup to lower the pest problem and so far we are not seeing any additional pest problems. 
I would also add that the use of the library has almost assuredly increased as a result of the cafe.  We have professors who spend their "office hours" in the cafe, we have study groups who come to the library because of the close proximity to food.  Two years ago our director was given a student aware because of his changes in the library which included 24 hour opening and the cafe so clearly there is a great deal of good will among the student population because of this "service" and we have not found the cafe to be a huge problem. 
Jeanne Drewes
Assistant Director for Access & Preservation
Michigan State University Libraries
100 Library, Room W 108A
East Lansing, MI  48824-1048
517 432 6123 ext 147
Fax 517 353 8969
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-padg@xxxxxxx [mailto:owner-padg@xxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Cathleen Mook
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 1:49 PM
To: padg@xxxxxxx
Subject: [PADG:613] cafes in Libraries

The University of Florida is remodeling its main Library and adding a 60,000 sq ft North Wing.  There has been discussion that a cafe be included.  I was hoping to get some information from Preservation professionals on this list who have cafes in their Libraries. 
1.  Number of years with cafe in place:
2.  Is there a guard stationed near the door into the Library itself, attempting to limit food from being brought from the cafe into the main facility?
3.  Have you seen an increase or decrease in the number of volumes forwarded to Conservation/Book repair with food or drink damage? Or did it stay the same?
4.  Does your Library use Integrated Pest Management or do you spray pesticides to control insects?
5.  What else do we need to keep in mind if a cafe is placed in the Library, especially during the first year?
Please email me your responses directly and if there is sufficient interest, I will summarize for the list. 
Cathy Mook
Preservation Librarian
University of Florida
PS.  As I was sure we have discussed this topic on the list previously, I searched the ALA sponsored PADG archives using the word 'food'.  I got only 6 hits, none of which had anything to do with cafes.  I then tried a bunch of other food related terminology.  Again, limited success.  Has anyone got any advice for me re: using this particular resource?  Or do you have the same level of success I have when trying to gather data from the archives?

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