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[PADG:579] Re: Bookplating

We  have two flows for bookplating.  The first one consists of books bought on a particular fund that has a plate attached to it. The second flow consists of books that are gifts.  These books will get a generic plate and the donor name or collection name will be typed on.

Pre-printed plates for created funds are handled through a separate department and they inform me when a new fund & plate will be used.  The blank plates are created in either in Gifts or in my department (which houses and adheres  book plates).

At 12:26 PM 7/22/2005 -0400, you wrote:
Hi - I'm not sure if this is the right place for this request, but
if it isn't, perhaps you can redirect me.  Shelf preparation is one of the responsibilities within our department and the issue of bookplating has recently come up.  Can you tell me who is responsible for this in your library and what the general process is?  Is it part of your regular processing or is this accomplished as a special project?

Thanks for any advice.

Illene Rubin
University of Pennsylvania

Laura Cameron
Head, Binding & Finishing
Preservation Department
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA  94305

650 723 3401

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