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[PADG:551] LBDG - Annual '05 - Meeting minutes

Library Binding Discussion Group:  Palmer House, Salon V
Sunday, June 26 2005 
2 pm - 4 pm
Chair: Laura Cameron

General introduction of participants started the meeting off.

Jay Fairfield, incoming President of the Library Binding Institute, gave a talk on what his term may face by way of challenges (decrease in serial binding, reformatting changes) and how the LBI wishes to expand their role.  There is a discussion within LBI on the direction the organization should take and how this will affect their overall mission.

Werner Rebsemen, professor emeritus RIT, gave a lecture on ALA and Library Binding.  His talked covered the history of ALA and their interest in the library binding field and changes that have occurred over the years because of the cooperation.  Also touched upon were the current challenges and what the future will hold for ALA and the Library Binding industry.

Debbie Nolan, CAE, Executive Director of the Library Binding Institute, spoke about the willingness to expand the LBI by having more institutional members.

Paul Parisi, Acme Bookbinding, Inc., discussed the status of the ANSI/NISO Standard and the desire of the obtaining back the copyright for the Guide to the Standard that ALA currently holds but the book is out-of-print.

The question of library binder's certification process was brought up and as since there are no short answers to that question this will be a panel discussion for the next Library Binding Discussion group meeting at Midwinter '06 or at Annual '06.

Available for free were copies of the of the Guide to the Standard that was reprinted for the postponed Library Binding Workshop Maximizing your Binding Budget.

Laura Cameron
Head, Binding & Finishing
Preservation Department
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA  94305

650 723 3401

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