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[PADG:550] digital library symposium

--apologies for the incorrect subject heading in the previous posting --

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The University of Maryland Libraries is delighted to announce a
digital library symposium (29 September 2005) entitled 'The Library
in Bits and Bytes', an official event celebrating the 150th
anniversary of the University of Maryland, College Park, and
pre-symposium workshops, Introduction to XML and the TEI (27-28
September) and 'Demystifying EAD (28 September).

This one-day symposium will reflect on how library practice has embraced and is challenged by digital library initiatives. Plenary speakers are:

-- Deanna Marcum (Associate Librarian for Library Services, Library
of Congress) speaking on 'Creating an Organizational Culture to
Support Digital Library Initiatives';

-- Anne Kenney (Associate University Librarian, Cornell University
Library) on 'Five Organizational Stages of Digital Preservation';

-- Paul Conway (Director, Information Technology Services, Duke
University Libraries) on 'Why Is IT So Hard to Do?';

-- G. Sayeed Choudhury (Hodson Director of the Digital Knowledge
Center, Johns Hopkins University) on 'The Cutting Edge: The Next
Generation Digital Library'

The symposium will close with a panel discussion entitled 'Pattern
Recognition: Trends, Forecasts, and Fragments of a Future', chaired
by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, with Ben Bederson, Allison Druin, Judith Klavans, and Stuart Moulthrop.

Pre-symposium workshops (which may be registered for independently)
are a two-day hands-on 'Introduction to XML and the Text Encoding
Initiative (27-28 September) and a one-day (28 September)
introduction to Encoded Archival Description entitled 'Demystifying EAD'.

Full symposium and workshop details are available at

Susan Schreibman, PhD
Assistant Dean
Head of Digital Collections and Research
McKeldin Library
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Phone: 301 314 0358
Fax: 301 314 9408
Email: sschreib@xxxxxxx

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