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[PADG:412] RE: barcode labels

I can't speak for our barcodes (they seem to work fine; we don't do any
separate lamination; I don't know where we get them from or how they are
produced, but they do involve a plastic layer laminated to paper over the
print) but I will say that we use very cheap paper labels with no
protection. Occasionally one comes off or the print wears away and we
replace it, but the incidence of this problem doesn't weem to warrant
spending extra time or money over each new one we apply.

Alice Carli
Sibley Music Library

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kathryn Talbot [mailto:ktalbot@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 9:56 AM
> To: padg@xxxxxxx
> Subject: [PADG:411] barcode labels
> My institution is re-opening bids for barcodes labels.  The last
> time this was done was 1994.  I know technology has changed a
> great deal since then. Is there any standards I can look at? 
> Some questions we have are: Should the label be laminated or
> not? and Is "photographic reproductions" preferred over
> "laser printed"?   As a side note, we are putting the
> barcodes on the outside back cover of items.
> Also, what types of products are you using for call number
> labels? and Do you use "label protectors"?  
> Thanks for any help.
> Kathryn
> Preservation Team Facilitator
> Kathryn Talbot
> Government Publications
> 314, Hale Library
> Kansas State University
> 785-532-6965
> ktalbot@xxxxxxxxxxx

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