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[PADG:318] Microform and Imaging review Issue

For those of you who attended the recent PADG meeting in Boston, one of the topics discussed was the June 2004 ARL white paper on 'Recognizing Digitization as a Preservation reformatting option".  Responses to the paper had been solicited by the editor of the journal Microform and Imaging Review and several were selected for publication in the Fall 2004 issue.  The editor, Suzy Palmer, brought 10 copies of the journal issue (v.33, no.4) with her and they were passed out during PADG for examination. Mrs.. Palmer did not need the 10 copies back and thus someone at each table got to keep the issue. However, as there were many more people interested in getting a copy than there were issues available,  I was asked if other copies of the issue were available, either from the publisher K.G. Saur or from Mrs.. Palmer. 
Unfortunately, Mrs.. Palmer informs me that the issue is sold out.  She has graciously forwarded me, and I have attached here, a MS Word document that represents the table of contents from the issue in question.  She has electronic copies of each of the articles and is willing to forward copies of individual articles out to those requesting them of her.  She can be reached at sspalm01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you are interested in receiving electronic copies of one or two of the articles.  [Due to copyright issues, I don't feel it would be appropriate to post all the articles here on PADG.  ]
Also at the discussion, she mentioned that she would be willing to entertain publishing further articles on the topic.  I will clarify that with her and let you all know if that offer still stands.
For those who attended PADG, thank you.  Jane and I had a blast and we hope to make the meeting in Chicago even better!!

Cathleen L. Mook
Head, Preservation
University of Florida
Box 117007
Gainesville, FL 32611
(voice) 352-392-6962
(fax) 352-392-6597
(email) cmook@xxxxxxx

Attachment: Table of Contents (final) 33-4 2004.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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