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[PADG:260] ALA Midwinter--PQTDG and CCDG meeting announcement

Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group
Curators and Conservators Discussion Group
Sunday, January 16, 2005
9:30-11:00 am
LOCATION  To Be Announced

The Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group and the Curators and
Conservators Discussion Group are joining forces to bring you an exciting
meeting in January.

We have asked Alan Puglia, Conservator for Houghton Library Collections
with the Weissman Preservation Center at the Harvard University Library, to
speak to us about their successful "Quick Repair Sessions."

This program started several years ago in cooperation with the
Houghton Library staff and curators. Its purpose is to bring conservators
from the
Weissman Preservation Center to Houghton once a month to perform
minor repairs on books, thus getting them back on the shelves as soon as

An innovative approach to minor repair for rare materials, the program
alleviates the need to send books to the conservation lab when only a small
amount of treatment is needed to stabilize them for use.  Everyone benefits
from the curators and patrons who are able to access the books more
to the conservators who reduce stress on the volumes and backlogs in the
by working with the items on-site.

The "Sessions" have been a great success, and Alan will share
tips and techniques as to how he worked closely with Houghton curators and
to design and implement this program.

Please join us for what promises to be a very interesting and educational

Beth Doyle, Collections Conservator
Duke University Libraries
Perkins Library
Campus Box 90189
Durham, NC 27708-0189

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