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[PADG:240] FW: [ALCTSLEADERS:939] Fwd: Library Journal Movers and Shakers

nominations of preservation folk for this?  

Jeanne Drewes
Assistant Director for Access & Preservation
Michigan State University Libraries
100 Library Room W-108A
East Lansing, MI 48824-1048

517 4326123 ext. 147  
NEW!!    FAX 517 353 8969

>>> "Kenney, Brian  (RBI-US)" <bkenney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10/22/04 11:47AM >>>
Brian, I would like to receive more nominations from ALCTS members, both
librarians and non-librarians, for this issue of Movers & Shakers. Please
take a moment to nominate someone and consider spreading the word through
any ALCTS discussion lists if possible. Your time is much appreciated. Best,


The editors of Library Journal need your help in identifying the emerging
leaders in the library world. Our fourth annual Movers & Shakers supplement
will profile 50-plus up and coming people for across the United States and
Canada who are innovative, creative, and making a difference. From
librarians to vendors to others who work in the library field, Movers &
Shakers 2005 will celebrate the new professionals who are moving our
libraries ahead. Go to
http://www.libraryjournal.com/contents/pdf/LJMoveShakeForm2005.pdf and
nominate someone today


Brian Kenney 
Editor, Library Journal and netConnect 
360 Park Avenue South, 13th Floor 
New York, NY 10010 
T. 646 746 6756 
F. 646 746 6734 
bkenney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:bkenney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  

Know a Mover & Shaker? Of couse you do! Go to 


and nominate them.  


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