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[PADG:224] Fwd: Feng Shui Tip #280 - Books

For your information and amusement

Lorraine Olley, MALS, Executive Director
Library Administration & Management Association
50 E. Huron St.     Chicago IL 60611
312-280-5036       lolley@xxxxxxx        www.ala.org/lama

Find out "What It Takes to Take the Lead" at the 2004 LAMA National
Nov 18-20, Palm Springs, CA
For details go to www.ala.org/lama

>>> cmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxx 10/26/2004 9:29:34 AM >>>

One of the most common sources of stagnant chi in an environment is an
many people can hardly bear to part with: BOOKS.

Books often take up quite a bit more space energetically than their
physical size might indicate -- packed as they are with stories,
innovation and emotion. Like other concentrated forms of energy (such
money, blood or oxygen) books can be tremendously life-giving when they
in circulation and serving a purpose.  When circulation becomes
serious problems can ensue.

 From time to time, it's useful to take a tour of the books in your
and office: Are there any books that have not been used or touched in
some time? Books you've never even read, and probably never will?  Are

there books on your shelves that are intrinsically connected to thought

patterns and emotions you have long since left behind?

It is powerful to surround yourself with books that are genuinely
to your own life and life intentions in the present moment.

When people purge a large quantity of books from their space, it often

produces an immediate boost in creativity and/or prosperity. This is 
because anytime you release a quantity of congested, thick or stagnant

energy, it creates space for new opportunities and possibilities to
into your life.

An added benefit is that after editing your collection, you will be
able to 
arrange the remaining books in a more beautiful and harmonious manner.

Rather than packing them together side by side, with no room to
arrange books in small groupings, separated by artful objects such as 
framed photographs, small statues or a vase of flowers. This
allows energy and air to circulate around your collection of books,
them fresh and alive.


"To recognize the ways of nature
and to understand how they must relate
to the actions of humankind,
that is the goal."

~ Chuang Zi

"Feng Shui Tips" is a free weekly mailer provided by:

Tranquil Spaces Design Group
P.O. Box 229, Menlo Park, CA 94026
Tel: 866-711-5285
Email: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Our consultants can assist you with space planning, color consulting, 
furniture placement, fabric and finish selection, feng shui remedies, 
organizational solutions and space clearing / blessing ceremonies.

Consultant contact information:

Shannon Lee Turner, 800-548-3344, shannon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Lauren Shelby, 650-712-4491, lauren@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Victoria Miller, 310-305-2929, victoria@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vishara Veda, 503-312-8029, vishara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Donna Hunnicutt, 949-363-2960, donna@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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Cheryl McGrath
Head, Access Services
Green Library 152-B
Stanford, CA 94305-6063
Phone 650-725-1277
Fax 650-723-3992

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