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[PADG:2278] RE: sewn on endsheets from commercial binder?

In some ways that is a tougher question.  Because of cost factors, libraries want to send as many things as possible to the binder rather than recasing them in-house, but we also want to save sewing when possible.  There are some strongly sewn newer books that do fine with hinged on endsheets.  There are others (usually older materials) with weaker paper that should have their endsheets sewn on.  I think a good binder should offer both-even if they charge extra for the sewing.  However, I think the libraries have to know when not to send something to the bindery that is too weak to handle binding.  Or when to send it to the binder's conservation facility (if they have one).  

At the University of Kansas, we have been working with a binder we trust for many years and we have a fully functioning conservation unit, and we still struggle with what to send out for recasing by the binder, and what to treat in-house.  People in my shop can't even agree on when to save the sewing and when to have it chopped and adhesive bound.  So lets hope someone else on the list has a definitive answer they can share with us all.  :)  

Brian Baird 

Brian J. Baird
Preservation Librarian
University of Kansas
134 Watson Library
1425 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045-7544
(785) 864-3568
fax: (785) 864-5311

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Drewes, Jeanne [mailto:drewes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent:	Monday, February 16, 2004 4:15 PM
To:	padg@xxxxxxx
Subject:	[PADG:2277] sewn on endsheets from commercial binder?

My apologies for not be more specific about my query on sewing on endsheets.  Inhouse we also sew on endsheets just as most of the replies suggest, but I am interested in knowing if anyone's commercial binder sews on endsheets for recases. Thanks in advance for responses.   

Jeanne Drewes
Assistant Director for Access & Preservation
Michigan State University Libraries
100 Library Room W-108A
East Lansing, MI 48824-1048

517 4326123 ext. 147  FAX 517 432 1010

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