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[PADG:1747] RE: Cleaning up after Demco Fastape


Could you please tell me approximately how soon the adhesive takes to
degrade to this condition?  And, is there an acceptable substitute for those
items that cannot be rebound?  Thank you.

Elaine Boyd
Kentucky History and Genealogy Librarian
Louisville Free Public Library

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Normandy Helmer [SMTP:nhelmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:	Wednesday, July 10, 2002 12:19 PM
> To:	Pres Admin DG
> Subject:	[PADG:1746] Cleaning up after Demco Fastape
> A colleague has asked about dealing with materials that had been repaired
> with Demco Fastape. As you are probably all aware, the adhesive turns into
> a
> gritty dust. She's concerned about the potential for damage to nearby
> books
> by the residue, and needs to know if this deserves priority project
> status.
> It's a mid-sized academic research library.
> In my experience, use of the tape dates from a time when we did really bad
> repairs,  books patched with this stuff were pretty worn by heavy
> circulation to begin with, and as boards and spine are usually trashed
> they
> need significant treatment to look reasonable again. In general, we've
> done
> commercial rebind rather than repair them. I put replacement of acidic
> pamphlet binders as a much higher priority than tape remediation.
> I didn't find anything on CoOL about the components of the adhesive, and
> would appreciate any information about the impact of the residue, nifty
> fixes, and thoughts about priority.
> Thanks
> Normandy Helmer
> Coordinator of Preservation & Digital Services/
> Oregon Newspaper Project
> University of Oregon Libraries--SpecColl
> 1299 University of Oregon
> Eugene, OR 97403-1299
> 541-346-1864/fax 541-346-1882
> nhelmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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