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[PADG:1689] binding policy

  As some of you may know, NYPL Research Library has had a policy of
binding all softcover materials.  However, we are in a tight budget period
and with the opening of our storage facility, ReCAP, we are reconsidering
our binding policy.  Therefore, I'm asking what other places are doing
about binding.  I realize very few institutions are binding everything.
So, some questions:
    If you are not binding everything, what is your criteria for not
    How did you develop that criteria?
    What are you doing instead of binding (stiffening, something else,
    What has been the results of this policy?  (More damage, no noticeable

  I'll be happy to take responses off the list, if people would rather
respond that way.  I can then summarize the responses and post, if people
are interested.

Bobbie Pilette
Goldsmith Preservation Division
phone 212-930-0864
fax 212-302-5328
email: rpilette@xxxxxxxx

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