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[PADG:1639] ALCTS Publications

This is all good news!
Kirsten Ahlen of ALCTS Publications sent the report below and I wanted
everyone to be aware especially that ALCTS is working to streamline the
publishing process and will have an online form soon.   Kirsten also is
looking for people to respond to the LRTS Readership Survey.  Follow the
link in the text below if you wish to respond.


Patricia Palmer Selinger
Head, Preservation Services
VCU Libraries
Richmond, VA
phone: 804.828.1096

-------forwarded message-------------------
Greetings Everyone!

As you all are (hopefully) aware, ALCTS Publishing is turning a new
corner as part of the new face of ALCTS.  In an effort to keep everyone
up-to-date on all changes, activities, and progress within ALCTS
Publishing, I will be writing a short monthly update.  Please pass this
information along to anyone with an interest.  (Section Reps, please
pass this along to your section publications committee!)

Board Approved new CMDS Guide!!!
The new CMDS Series Guide, Guide to Review of Library Collections, is a
revision of CMDS Guide No 5.  While this publication was approved by
ALCTS Publications at Annual 2001, authors found that the bibliography
required some additional work and verification.  Forwarded to Genevieve
on February 20, a proposal was written and the Board approved the new
Guide on March 11.  I have contacted Scarecrow Press, where we hope to
publish this Guide.  The past 3 CMDS Guides were published through

Cataloging Correctly for Kids, 4th Edition
Gabi Kupitz, Chair of the CCS Cataloging of Children's Materials
Committee, is currently working on gathering the necessary signatures
for the Proposal form and the information for an ALA Editions Proposal.
The CCS Executive Committee recently approved the proposal for this
publication.  ALA Editions has expressed an interest in this project due

to its history as an ALA Editions publication and wide appeal.

The Committee hopes to have this publication set to be released at
Annual 2003 in Toronto.

ALCTS Catalog
I am still working on our ALCTS catalog which will include all our
publications as well as all our programs, institutes, and
pre-conferences.  This catalog will be sent in all new/renewing member
packets and available on our Web site.

ALCTS Publishing Business Plan
Genevieve and I are finishing up the final details of the ALCTS
Publishing Business Plan.  Once completed, we will seek any final
feedback from the ALCTS Publications Committee and Section Publications
Committees.  We hope to have this Business Plan revised in time to be
approved by the ALCTS Publications Committee and Board at Annual 2002 in


The newest draft is available on the ALCTS Web site (shortcut:

ALCTS Publishing Process and Online Application
Genevieve and I are also working on streamlining the ALCTS publishing
process.  We hope that with a more automated, online application, this
process will move more smoothly and effectively.  Also, we hope that by
emphasizing that publication projects are author-driven, with
significant ALCTS staff support, the likelihood of publications being
stalled or otherwise lost in the shuffle will be lessened (hopefully

While this process is based on the current procedures, it will
eliminate a lot of the guess work of authors trying to understanding and

apply these procedures.  Instead, authors will be led through the
process by ALCTS staff & the online application.  I am also hoping to
add notifying abilities to this application so that whenever a proposal
is updated (e.g. a manuscript is approved by the appropriate Section
Publications Committee), an email (and hopefully content) is sent on to
the necessary people to complete the next step.

LRTS Readership Survey
Recently, we embarked on testing out some new survey companies in our
attempt to better understand our members.  I selected 250 random ALCTS
members to respond to this survey.  Over the past 2 weeks, I have
received 30 responses.

To view this survey please go to:

If you have any suggestions or other ideas for surveying, please let me

New Ideas
Charles and I have been thinking about ways to further develop the
reach of each program through Publications.  One consideration is to
post presentations & handouts online within the proposed Members-Only
section of the Web site.  Presentations would also be available to order

at a minimal cost (for copying and shipping).  Presentations or programs

could also be developed into section publications which would be sent in

all new member section-specific packets.

I have contacted the ALCTS program planners for Annual asking for their
assistance in urging speakers to consider publishing and in making
speakers aware of their ALCTS publishing opportunities.  We will be
monitoring this project prior to making it a reoccurring event.

As always, if you have questions, comments, or need assistance with
anything, please do not hesitate to call or write.

Let it be Spring!!

Kirsten Ahlen

ALCTS Publications & Membership
Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
50 E. Huron
Chicago, IL  60611-2795
Toll-free:  800-545-2433 x5037
Direct:  312-280-5037
Fax:  312-280-5033
Email:  kahlen@xxxxxxx
Web:  www.ala.org/alcts

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