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[PADG:1487] Digital Talking Book Standard Available for Comment

Bethesda, Md., USA ? (November 1, 2001) Today, NISO, the National
Information Standards Organization, announced that the proposed national
standard for the Digital Talking Book (Z39.86-200x) is available for review
and comment by all interested parties and for ballot by NISO?s voting
members.  The ballot and comment period is November 1 - December 17, 2001.

In presenting this standard for balloting, Michael Moodie, Chair of this
standards committee, said, ?This standard represents the results of over
four years of effort by an international team representing a broad range of
stakeholders dedicated to providing alternative format materials to
print-disabled readers.  It is built on specifications and needs formulated
by blind and visually impaired users, who were heavily involved in every
aspect of the development effort.?

In August, the International Coalition of Access Engineers and Specialists
(ICAES) named the National Information Standards Organization as one of the
winners of their 2001 Collaboration and Coordination Award for its work in
developing file specifications for Digital Talking Books and e-Books.

The Digital Talking Book standard enables a powerful and flexible reading
system that will make electronic resources accessible to millions of
print-disabled readers worldwide. Facilitating the efficient presentation of
information through a variety of alternative media, this new standard will
make it easier for all readers to navigate the digital world.

This standard is available for free downloading on the NISO web site at

About NISO:
NISO is the only U.S. group accredited by the American National Standards
Institute to develop and promote technical standards for use in information
delivery services providing voluntary standards for libraries, publishers
and related information technology organizations.  All NISO standards are
developed by consensus under the guidance of experts and practitioners in
the field to meet the needs of both the information user and the producer.
For information about NISO?s current standardization interests and
membership possibilities, please visit the NISO website at

For additional information contact NISO Headquarters at (301) 654-2512.
Email: nisohq@xxxxxxxx

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