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[PADG:1390] IFLA Section on Preservation and Conservation: Activities in Boston

To those of you in the Boston area and/or going to IFLA, we hope you will
attend all of the preservation activities of the IFLA Section on Preservation
and Conservation.
Section VI: Preservation and Conservation
The Standing Committee on Preservation and Conservation will sponsor
several interesting sessions during the upcoming IFLA Conference in
Boston, Massachusetts.  Please note the following activities and
join us
if you can.
Standing Committee Meetings:
Saturday, August 18th     11:30 - 14:20
Friday, August 24th          
8:00 - 10:00
CONFERENCE PROGRAM: "Preservation and Digitization--Natural Partners?"
A Workshop, Thursday, August 23, 2001, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm (13:30-17:30)
The committee will host a facilitated conversation among those who are
responsible for planning and implementing digital library programs
plenty of audience participation encouraged.  Approximately 40
institutions from 12 countries responded to an invitation to complete
survey and send a representative to the workshop.  The survey
will be codified in a hand-out for the participants and audience. 
workshop facilitator is Nancy E. Gwinn, Director, Smithsonian
Institution Libraries, Washington, D.C. and a member of the committee.
OPEN SESSION:  "Managing Digital Collections as Research Collections"
Wednesday, August 22, 2001, 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm (15:30- 18:00)
Libraries are rapidly building large collections of digitized materials
as part of their collections.  Many of these items are acquired
vendors and may not actually reside on a library's own server.
Institutions are also digitizing materials from their own collections
make them more accessible to a world-wide audience.  Does management
these collections require special effort and what issues are involved?
This open session will feature a keynote speaker to provide a
state-of-the-art view of what is happening in this area worldwide. 
keynote address will be followed by three panelists who will focus
specific aspects of managing digital collections.
Keynote: Digital Research Collections: State of the Art
Speaker:  Daniel (Dan) Greenstein, Director, Digital Library Federation,
Council on Library and Information Resources, Inc.
Washington, D.C.
Panelists: Artifacts and Digital Collections
Stephen G. Nichols,  James H. Beall Professor of French and Humanities,
and Chair of the Romance Languages Department
Johns Hopkins University, and Chair, Task Force on  the Role of
Artifact in Library Collections, Council on Library and Information
Resources, Inc., Washington, D.C.
Technical Metadata and Preservation Needs, Catherine Lupovici, 
Digital Library Department, Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Archiving Digital Collections, Titia van der Werf,  Coordinator
Electronic and digital Archives, National Electronic Depository,
Konínklijke Bibliotheek,  The Hague, Netherlands
Some papers are available on the IFLA Conference Website:
Please remember the special guest lecture:
"Preservation in the USA; a Case Study in Cooperation"  Friday,
24th, 2001 11:30-12:30
Speakers are: Deanna Marcum is President of the Council on Library
Information Resources; George Farr is
Director, Division of Preservation and Access at the National Endowment
for the Humanities and Ann Russell is Executive Director of the
Northeast Document Conservation Center.
Sophia  K. Jordan
Information Officer
Section VI:  Conservation and Preservation
email: sjordan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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