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[PADG:1296] "Don't Fold Up: Responding to Nicholson Baker's Double Fold"

Another article from Richard Cox.  FYI.


----- Forwarded by Robin Dale/RLG on 04/27/2001 04:28 PM -----

The May/June issue of Archival Outlook, which just went to press, will
contain an essay by Richard Cox entitled, "Don't Fold Up:  Responding to
Nicholson Baker's Double Fold."  This essay is also posted on our web site
at http://www.archivists.org/news/doublefold.html

Susan E. Fox, CAE
Executive Director
Society of American Archivists
527 S. Wells St.
Chicago, IL  60607
mobile:  312-617-7015
E-Fax 801-720-0078

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