PADG - Subject Thread Index for May 2000

Last updated: Thu Feb 05 22:59:29 GMT 2009
11 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [PADG:995] Book Repair Workshops, Robert James
  • [PADG:992] specs for music binding, Shannon Zachary
  • [PADG:990] S.O.S Sarajevo Library, Arsenio S�nchez Hernamp�rez
  • [PADG:989] Search continued, position modified, Becky Ryder
  • [PADG:988] Fun at ALA, Barbara Berger Eden
  • [PADG:986] Fire Safety for Cultural Collections, Robert James
  • [PADG:985] LC National Digital Library Program new Technical Information page, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • [PADG:984] PQ&TDG at ALA/LCCDG at AIC, Ethel Hellman
  • [PADG:983] Research Preconference, Karen Muller
  • [PADG:982] LC National Digital Library Program announces American Folklife Center collections, Tamara Swora-Gober

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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