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[PADG:986] Fire Safety for Cultural Collections

The North Carolina Preservation Consortium presents ?

Learn Not to Burn: Fire Safety for Cultural Collections

Thursday, July 20, 2000
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
310 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, North Carolina

This preservation workshop addresses provisions for the
protection of cultural resources from the threat of fires 
in archives, libraries, museums, places of worship, and 
historic sites.  Instruction focuses on issues of fire 
detection and suppression, evacuations, and training staff 
to properly respond to fires.  The workshop is recommended 
for archivists, administrators, curators, docents, 
librarians, physical plant managers, volunteers, and others 
working in educational, cultural and historical 

The instructor is Dr. Michael Trinkley, Director of the 
Chicora Foundation, a recognized authority on preservation, 
disaster planning, HVAC systems, pest control, and fire 
safety.  Dr. Trinkley is the author of Can You Stand the 
Heat?: a fire safety primer for libraries, archives, and 

Registration Fees:
$50 for employees of NCPC member institutions
$60 for non-members
Reserve registration deadline is July 1st
$75 at the door if seats are available
Workshop fee includes lunch and refreshments

To register, please complete the form at this web site

Please make your check payable to the North Carolina 
Preservation Consortium and mail with registration forms 

Fire Safety Workshop
C/O Robert James, NCPC President
Circulation Department
Walter Clinton Jackson Library
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
P.O. Box 26175
Greensboro, NC 27402-6175

Information about the Public Library of Charlotte and 
Mecklenburg County is available on their web site 
http://www.plcmc.lib.nc.us/branch/main/main.htm Parking 
information is  also online 

For questions regarding the workshop contact Robert James 
at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (phone 
336-334-5304 or email at Robert_James@xxxxxxxx).  To 
inquire about hotel accommodations contact Chris A. Bates, 
Curator and Manager of the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room 
at the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County 
(phone 704-336-5153 or email CBates@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).

The North Carolina Preservation Consortium is an independent
nonprofit organization affiliated with the School of 
Library and Information Sciences at North Carolina Central 

Robert James
Circulation Dept Head
Walter Clinton Jackson Library
UNC Greensboro
P.O. Box 26175
Greensboro, NC 27402-6175

Phone (336) 334-5304
Fax   (336) 334-5399
Email Robert_James@xxxxxxxx

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