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[PADG:908] Web access to list archives

We are pleased to announce the availability of web access to ALA's list processor.  LP-Web not only provides access to list archives, but also gives registered users the ability to subscribe and unsubscribe from lists and change their mail preferences (to receive list mail in digest form, for example).  List owners may also use the web interface to perform a variety of owner functions.

To use LP-Web, point your browser to the address


Most users will need to select a username and password before they can get to many of LP-Web's features.  (Most ALA lists are restricted in several ways to protect our subscribers from getting "spam," and these restrictions mean that most of the LP-Web functions one would see as a "guest" user are simply not available.)  Registration is a two-step process designed for your security.  After you enter a username, a password, and your email address, you will be sent an email message with a registration number in it.  Reply to this message, and your registration will be in effect.  You will not receive any more email about the LP-Web registration process, unless there was a problem.  You can go directly to the URL above and put in your username and password and begin using the LP-Web interface.

Two important things to remember:

1)  Please be sure to register using the email address under which you are subscribed to ALA lists.  If there is a discrepancy between the address you use when you register and the address under which you are subscribed, you will not be able to view archives or manage your list subscriptions through LP-Web.  Also, any new lists you subscribe to after registration will be subscribed using the address you entered when you registered.  Email the "lpweb-admin" address on each page of LP-Web for help resolving address problems.

2)  Whatever conditions are in effect for the "mail version" of a list are also in effect for the "web version."  So, for example, if a particular list's archives are open to list subscribers only, you will be required to subscribe to the list before you can view the archives.  Similarly, if subscription to a list requires the approval of the list owner, your subscription request will be sent to the list owner first, who will then either subscribe you to the list, or will let you know that the list is closed to new subscribers.

Please know that this software is still being tested and revised, so it may appear a little rough in places.  Please bear with us, and use the "lpweb-admin" address to report actual problems.

 -- Karen Muller
    Executive Director, LAMA/ALCTS
    American Library Association
    50 East Huron Street
    Chicago, IL 60611 USA
Toll free: 800-545-2433 x5031
Direct:    312-280-5031
Fax:        312-280-5033

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