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Re: secure from security

I've been asked me to summarize the responses I received to my question about how other institutions balance identification for security purposes with the protection of the employees' privacy.

The consensus seems to be that it's not necessary to have your name right out front for security purposes.

The front of a security ID badge should have the name of the institution and a photo.  This should be adequate to prove you belong in the area/building.  It may also have the division/department, an employee ID number, just the first name, or a false name.

The reason for giving a false name is so that patrons can feel like they're getting personal service but you're not giving dubious sorts enough info. to come slash your tires.

Full names (or real) and other info. such as phone number or Social Security number (if required by security personnel) can go on the reverse side of the ID badge so that staff or security personnel can verify the appropriateness of your presence when necessary.

It's been pointed out to me (not by folks on the list) that if anyone wants to badly enough, that person can find out your name and where you live.  Of course they can, but why make it any easier?

I think the picture on the front, name on the back idea strikes an adequate balance between security and privacy.  Thanks to everyone who responded.

Sarah Talley
Preservation Archivist
Utah State Archives & Records Service
P.O. Box 141021
Salt Lake City, Utah  84114-1021
phone:  801-538-3186
fax:  801-538-3354
e-mail:  stalley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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