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Labeling Survey

In preparation for migration to an Integrated Library System (ILS), the
Library of Congress is reviewing labeling options for barcodes and shelf
numbers.  It would be useful to know what types of labels are in common use
in other libraries and which have performed successfully in the field.  If
you are interested in this issue, please complete the following survey and
return it via email to me at "dmck@xxxxxxx" by SEPTEMBER 18th.  Do NOT post
your response on the listserv.  If you prefer, responses may be faxed to me
at 202/707-3434.  

The questionnaire is also being posted on the AutoCat listserv where there
are many readers with responsibility for labeling.  Please confer within your
institution as necessary and submit a single response to me via email or fax.  
A summary of the findings will be posted on both the PADG and AutoCat

As a gesture of appreciation for completing the survey, the Preservation
Directorate will send you 2 copies of the illustrated guide "American Book
Covers 1830-1900" by Sue Allen.  Some of you may have received a copy of this
guide at the June ALA meeting in Washington.  It is designed to help teach
shelvers and other staff about significant features of 19th century American


User Survey
Labeling of Library Materials
September 1998

Name _________________________   Phone______________________


Fax ________________________________________________________

Library ____________________________________________________   

Email ________________________

Mailing address ____________________________________________



Size of institution (# of vols.) ___________________________


Please describe the current processing work flow, not retrospective
conversion or replacement of damaged barcode labels.  Those are covered in
Sections II and III. 

   A.  Type of label stock currently used for barcoding
      1. Construction  (Check one)
         O Heat-activated
         O Pressure-sensitive
         O Foil-backed, heat-activated
         O Foil-backed, pressure-sensitive

      2. Configuration  (Check all that apply)
         O "Piggyback" style where the barcode is removable
         O Single (one barcode with a unique PIN)
         O Double (two barcodes with the same PIN)

   B.  What is the name of this product? 
   [Be as specific as possible, include vendor catalog No. if


   C.  Material composition 
       [if known or described in vendor catalog]
       1.  Face stock  (Check one)
           O Paper      O Polyester    O Polypropylene

           O Other _________________________________________

       2.  Adhesive   (Check one)
           O Rubber-based   O Acrylic   O Other _____________
   D.  Printing
       1.  Method of printing  (Check all that apply)
           O Preprinted    O Generated by 
           O Printed in-house (batched) the local system
           O Printed in-house (on demand)
       2.  Type of printer  (Check all that apply)      
           O Ink Jet       O Dot matrix   O Photo composed
           O Laser         O Thermal transfer             

           O Other _________________________________________
          (Indicate brand & model of printer if printed in-house) 

       3.  Format  (Check one)
           O Roll   O Sheet

           O Other _________________________________________
       4.  Relation to item  (Check one)
           O Dumb barcode 
             (linked to item record after generation)
           O Smart barcode 
             (linked to item record before generation)

   E.  Substrates (surface applied to). 
       1.  On what types of library materials/surfaces are the
           labels placed?  (Check all that apply)

           O Book covers (e.g., paper, cloth, leather)   
           O Inside of book covers (e.g., on endpaper)
           O Textual pages (e.g., titles pages)
           O Audio/video cassettes or other plastic containers
           O Boxboard (e.g., phase boxes, manuscript boxes)
           O Film canisters or other metal containers
           O Vinyl binders
           O Other


       2.  Are materials pre-sorted in any way based on material
           O Yes   O No

       3a.  Is a different type of label stock used for certain
            O Yes   O No

       3b.  If so, please describe the label stock and type of
            material for which it is used


   F.  Application.  What equipment/device is used to affix the
       barcode label?   (Check all that apply)
       O Tacking iron/hot plate to heat   
       O Bone folder or squeegee to rub down   
       O Overlay/label protector
       O Nothing

       O Other _____________________________________________
   G.  Security.  Have you experienced any adhesive failure using
       this label stock?

       O Yes, failures on all surfaces          O No
       O Yes, failures on some surfaces

       If yes, please explain 


   H.  Preservation.  Have you experienced any degradation or
       damage to the item on which the label was placed?
       O Yes   O No

       If yes, please explain



   I.  Staffing (Mark all that apply.  Place a "P" in the space
       to the left to indicate that the unit/staff has primary
       responsibility and a "S" to indicate secondary

       1.  Which library unit in your institution has
           responsibility for the generation or procurement of
           barcode labels?

      ____ Cataloging   ____ Preservation   ____ Serials   

      ____ Acquisitions ____ Circulation    ____ Administration   

      ____ Other ___________________________________________

       2a.  Which library unit in your institution has
            responsibility for the application of barcode labels
            to items?

      ____ Cataloging   ____ Preservation   ____ Serials   

      ____ Acquisitions ____ Circulation    

      ____ Other ___________________________________________
      2b.  What level of staff affix the barcodes?

      ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

      ____ Students   
      ____ Other ___________________________________________
      3a.  Which library unit in your institution has
           responsibility for linking the barcode number to the
           record if necessary?

      ____ Cataloging   ____ Preservation   ____ Serials

      ____ Acquisitions ____ Circulation

      ____ Other ___________________________________________

      3b.  What level of staff link the barcodes to the item

      ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

      ____ Students   
      ____ Other ___________________________________________

   J.  Are you willing to send label stock samples to include in
       LC testing?
       O Yes   O No

       If yes, don't send any stock at this time.  You will be
       contacted by Michele Youket, LC Preservation Directorate
       if your stock is needed.  She will determine how many
       types of labels are represented  in the survey responses
       and select libraries to participate as needed.

   K.  Level of satisfaction.
       1.  How long has your library been using this label stock?
           O < 1 year   O 1-2 years   O 3-5 years   O> 5 years

       2.  Overall, how satisfied are you with this label stock?
           O very satisfied   O satisfied   O no opinion
           O dissatisfied     O very dissatisfied

       3.  Do you have any general comments related to this
           label, its use, application or characteristics? 





     When an affixed barcode label becomes lost or damaged, how
     is it replaced?
     (Check all that apply)

   A.  Piggyback labels are used for all paperbacks so that
       barcodes may be removed from the carrier and repositioned
       after binding.
       O Yes   O No                  

   B.  Two labels are applied at the outset so that there is
       always a back-up label.
       O Yes   O No                  

   C.  A new barcode number is assigned.
       O Yes   O No   [If no, proceed to Question II D.]

       1.  Is the label stock different than the stock described
           in Section I?   
           O Yes   O No

           If yes, describe the label stock (include vendor
           catalog number if possible)

       2.  Is your local system capable of generating a new
           barcode number and producing a barcode label?
           O Yes   O No

       3a.  If not, which library unit in your institution has
            responsibility for updating the item record in the
            bibliographic database with the new barcode number? 
            (Mark all that apply)

            ____ Cataloging   ____ Preservation   ____ Serials

            ____ Acquisitions ____ Circulation    

            ____ Other _____________________________________
       3b.  What level of staff perform this function?

            ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

            ____ Students   
            ____ Other _____________________________________

       4.  How is the new barcode label affixed?
           O the new label is placed on top of the old one
           O the new label is placed next to the old one; the old
             number is lined out
           O the old label is removed before the new one is

           O Other (please describe)

   D.  The Library generates a duplicate barcode on demand.
       O Yes   O No   [If no, proceed to Section III.]

       1a.  Is the label stock different than the stock described
            in Section I?
            O Yes   O No               

       1b.  If yes, describe the label stock (include vendor
            catalog number if possible)

            Are you willing to send label stock samples to
            include in LC testing?
            O Yes   O No

       2.  Is your local system capable of producing a duplicate
           barcode label?
           O Yes    O No

       3.  Are the printing methods different than those
           described in Section I?
           O Yes      O No

           If yes, describe the difference (include brand & model
           of printer if possible)

       4a.  Which library unit in your institution has
            responsibility for the generation of duplicate
            barcode labels?  (Mark all that apply)

            ____ Cataloging   ____ Preservation   ____ Serials

            ____ Acquisitions ____ Circulation   

            ____ Administration

            ____ Other _____________________________________
       4b.  What level of staff generate the duplicate barcodes?
            (Mark all that apply)

            ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

            ____ Students   
            ____ Other _____________________________________

       5a.  Which library unit in your institution has
            responsibility for the application of replacement

            ____ Cataloging    ____ Preservation   ____ Serials

            ____ Acquisitions ____ Circulation

            ____ Other _____________________________________
       5b.  What level of staff affix the replacement barcodes?
           ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

           ____ Students   
           ____ Other ______________________________________

       6.  How is the duplicate barcode label affixed?
           O   the new label is placed on top of the old one
           O   the new label is placed next to the old one; the
               old number is lined out
           O   the old label is removed before the new one is
           O   Other (please describe)


Complete this section if your library uses different label stock for recon
projects.  If not, proceed to Section IV. 

   A.  Type of label stock
       1.  Construction  (Check one)
           O Heat-activated
           O Pressure-sensitive
           O Foil-backed, heat-activated
           O Foil-backed, pressure-sensitive

       2.  Configuration  (Check all that apply)
           O "Piggyback" style where the barcode is removable
           O Single (one barcode with a unique PIN)
           O Double (two barcodes with the same PIN)

   B.  What is the name of this product? [Be as specific as
       possible, including vendor catalog number if possible]


   C.  Material composition [if known or described in vendor
       1.  Face stock  (Check one)
           O Paper   O Polyester   O Polypropylene

           O Other _________________________________________

       2.  Adhesive  (Check one)
           O Rubber-based   O Acrylic   

           O Other ________________________________________
   D.  Printing
       1.  Method of printing  (Check all that apply)
           O Preprinted   O Printed in-house (batched)
           O Printed in-house (on demand)
       2.  Type of printer  (Check all that apply)      
           O Ink Jet         O Dot matrix      O Photo composed
           O Laser           O Thermal transfer      

           O Other _________________________________________
          (Indicate brand & model of printer if printed in-house)


       3.  Format  (Check one)
           O Roll   O Sheet

           O Other _________________________________________
       4.  Relation to item  (Check one)
           O Dumb barcode 
             (linked to item record after generation)
           O Smart barcode 
             (linked to item record before generation)

   E.  Substrates (surface applied to). 

       1.  On what types of library materials/surfaces are the
           labels placed?  (Check all that apply)
           O Book covers (e.g., paper, cloth, leather)   
           O Inside of book covers (e.g., on endpaper)
           O Textual pages (e.g., titles pages)
           O Audio/video cassettes or other plastic containers
           O Boxboard (e.g., phase boxes, manuscript boxes)
           O Film canisters or other metal containers
           O Vinyl binders

           O Other _________________________________________

       2.  Are materials pre-sorted in any way based on material
           O Yes   O No

       3a.  Is a different type of label stock used for certain
            O Yes   O No

       3b.  If so, please describe the label stock and type of
            material for which it is used


   F.  Application.  What equipment/device is used to affix the
       barcode label?
       (Check all that apply)
       O Tacking iron/hot plate to heat   
       O Bone folder or squeegee to rub down   
       O Overlay/label protector
       O Nothing
       O Other _____________________________________________
   G.  Security.  Have you experienced any adhesive failure using
       this label stock?
       O Yes, failures on all surfaces          O No
       O Yes, failures on some surfaces

       If yes, please explain ______________________________

   H.  Preservation.  Have you experienced any degradation or
       damage to the item on which the label was placed?
       O Yes   O No

       If yes, please explain ______________________________


   I.  Staffing (Mark all that apply.  Place a "P" in the space
       to the left to indicate that the unit/staff has primary
       responsibility and a "S" to indicate secondary

       1.  Which library unit in your institution has
           responsibility for the generation or procurement of
           barcode labels?

           ____ Cataloging    ____ Preservation   ____ Serials  

           ____ Acquisitions  ____ Circulation

           ____ Administration

           ____ Other_______________________________________

       2a.  Which library unit in your institution has
            responsibility for the application of barcode labels
            to items?

            ____ Cataloging    ____ Preservation   ____ Serials

            ____ Acquisitions  ____ Circulation

            ____ Other _____________________________________
       2b.  What level of staff affix the barcodes?
           ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

           ____ Students   
           ____ Other ______________________________________

       3a.  Which library unit in your institution has
            responsibility for linking the barcode number to the
            record if necessary?

            ____ Cataloging    ____ Preservation   ____ Serials

            ____ Acquisitions  ____ Circulation      

            ____ Other _____________________________________

       3b.  What level of staff link the barcodes to the item

           ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

           ____ Students   
           ____ Other ______________________________________

   J.  Are you willing to send label stock samples to include in
       LC testing?
       O Yes   O No

       If yes, don't send any stock at this time.  You will be
       contacted by Michele Youket, LC Preservation Directorate
       if your stock is needed.  She will determine how many
       types of labels are represented  in the survey responses
       and select libraries to participate as needed.
   K.  Level of satisfaction.
       1.  How long has your library been using this label stock?
           O < 1 year   O 1-2 years   O 3-5 years   O> 5 years

       2.  Overall, how satisfied are you with this label stock?
           O very satisfied   O satisfied   O no opinion
           O dissatisfied     O very dissatisfied            

       3.  Do you have any general comments related to this
           label, its use, application or characteristics? 





IV.  SHELF NUMBER LABELS (e.g., Call Number) 
Please describe label stock in use for books.  Duplicate this section and
answer separately if your library uses different stock for other formats
(e.g. slides, audio cassettes).

   A.  Indicate the type of label currently used for shelf number
       1.  Construction (Check one)
           O Heat-activated
           O Pressure-sensitive
           O Foil-backed, heat-activated
           O Foil-backed, pressure-sensitive

       2.  Configuration
           a.  Number of labels per physical item
           O One, for external placement on spine or front cover
           O Two, for internal and external placement         

           O Other _________________________________________

           b.  Size of labels:   

           Width in inches ______    Length in inches ______
       3.  Content (Check all that apply)
           O Full class and cutter number
           O Accession number (fixed location scheme)
           O Other _________________________________________
   B.  What is the name of this product? [be as specific as
       possible, including vendor catalog number if possible]


   C.  Material composition 
       [if known or described in vendor catalog]  (Check one)
       1.  Face stock:
           O Paper   O Polyester   O Polypropylene

           O Other _________________________________________

       2.  Adhesive:
           O Rubber-based   O Acrylic

           O Other _________________________________________
   D.  Printing
       1.  Method of printing (Check all that apply)
           O Preprinted
           O Generated by the local system
           O Printed in-house (batched)
           O Printed in-house (on demand)

       2.  Type of printer (Check one)      
           O Impact printer or typewriter   O Ink Jet
           O Dot matrix   O Laser   O Thermal transfer

           O Other _________________________________________
          (Indicate brand & model of printer if printed in-house) 

       3.  Format (Check one)
           O Roll   O Sheet         

           O Other _________________________________________
      4.  Networking
          Are labels batch-produced to a shared printer?
          O Yes   O No

      5.  Interface (Check all that apply)
          O No interface
          O From ILS item-level record

          (Indicate name of ILS)           
          O From in-house system
          O From OCLC/RLIN
          O Other __________________________________________
   E.  Substrates (surface applied to). 

       1.  On what types of library materials/surfaces are the
           labels placed?  (Check all that apply)
           O Book covers (e.g., paper, cloth, leather)   
           O Inside of book covers (e.g., on endpaper)
           O Textual pages (e.g., titles pages)
           O Audio/video cassettes or other plastic containers
           O Boxboard (e.g., phase boxes, manuscript boxes)
           O Film canisters or other metal containers
           O Vinyl binders
           O Other _________________________________________

       2.  Are materials pre-sorted in any way based on material
           O Yes   O No

       3a.  Is a different type of label stock used for certain
            O Yes   O No

       3b.  If so, please describe the label stock and type of
            material for which it is used


   F.  Application.  What equipment/device is used to affix the
       call number label?   (Check all that apply)

       O Tacking iron/hot plate to heat   
       O Bone folder or squeegee to rub down   
       O Overlay/label protector

       (Indicate product name/vendor)
       O Nothing
       O Other _____________________________________________

   G.  Security.  Have you experienced any adhesive failure using
       this label stock?
       O Yes, failures on all surfaces          O No
       O Yes, failures on some surfaces

       If yes, please explain ______________________________


   H.  Preservation.  Have you experienced any degradation or
       damage to the item on which the label was placed?
       O Yes   O No
       If yes, please explain ______________________________

   I.  Staffing (Mark all that apply.  Place a "P" in the space
       to the left to indicate that the unit/staff has primary
       responsibility and a "S" to indicate secondary

      1a.  Which library unit in your institution has
           responsibility for the generation or procurement of
           shelf number labels?

           ____ Cataloging   ____ Preservation   ____ Serials

           ____ Acquisitions ____ Circulation

           ____ Administration

           ____ Other ______________________________________

      1b.  What level of staff prints labels?

           ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

           ____ Students   
           ____ Other ______________________________________

      2a.  Which library unit in your institution has
           responsibility for the application of shelf number
           labels to items?

           ____ Cataloging   ____ Preservation   ____ Serials

           ____ Circulation

           ____ Other_______________________________________
      2b.  What level of staff affix the shelf number labels?

           ____ Librarians   ____ Technicians/support staff

           ____ Students   
           ____ Other ______________________________________

   J.  Are you willing to send label stock samples to include in
       LC testing?
       O Yes   O No

       If yes, don't send any stock at this time.  You will be
       contacted by Michele Youket, LC Preservation Directorate
       if your stock is needed.  She will determine how many
       types of labels are represented  in the survey responses
       and select libraries to participate as needed.
   K.  Level of satisfaction.
       1.  How long has your library been using this label stock?
           O < 1 year   O 1-2 years   O 3-5 years   O> 5 years

       2.  Overall, how satisfied are you with this label stock?
           O very satisfied   O satisfied   O no opinion
           O dissatisfied     O very dissatisfied

       3.  Do you have any general comments related to this
           label, its use, application or characteristics?




   ___ Please send two copies of Sue Allen's "American Book Covers 1830-1900"
       to the following address:

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