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PARS Preconference -Reply

Registration is open for this ALCTS PRECONFERENCE TO THE ALA
ANNUAL CONFERENCE  Please share widely and feel free to post to other
lists I don't have access to!

WASHINGTON D.C., June 25-July 2, 1998

Friday, June 26, 1998
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
To be held at the National Archives Building Theater, 700 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW.
Presented by the Preservation and Reformatting Section Photographic and
Recording Media Committee Association for Library Collecitons & Technical
Services a division of the American Library Association

Society of American Archivists
National Archives and Records Administration
The Research Libraries Group has graciously underwritten some of the
expenses of this preconference.

Goals and Objectives
The presentations will address the following topics: the advantages and
disadvantages of analog vs. digital technologies, strategies for coping with
the change from analog to digital, evolving acquisition, access and
preservation policies, and the latest technologies and standards.

The preconference will be an expanded version of the 1997 Society of
American Archivists annual conference program, "Dealing with the
Transformation: Analog and Digital Technologies in Recorded Sound
Collections." Speakers will review current practices for acquiring, preserving
and enhancing access to sound collections, and assessing the advantages
and disadvantages offered by the analog and digital technologies.
Strategies will be discussed for coping with the increasing replacement of
analog by digital products and practices. The presentations will focus on
the changing nature of recording and communications technologies and
how these changes will likely impact the key activities of acquisition,
preservation, and access.

Participants should expect to leave the preconference with a better
understanding of the scope of the transformation occurring in sound
recording and communications technologies, and of the many factors to be
considered as library and archival programs contemplate the shift towards
increasing use of digital technologies.

Librarians or archivists involved with audio collections who are concerned
about the shifting trend towards digital technologies.

Gerry Gibson, Audio and Moving Image Preservation Specialist,
Preservation, Research and Testing Division, Library of Congress; Charles
Hardy, Oral Historian, Associate Professor of History, West Chester
University; Alan Lewis, Audio-Visual Expert, NARA, Special Media Archives
Division; William Storm, Consultant; Dave Wickstrom, Consultant; Jim
Wheeler, Consultant; Moderator: Richard Peek, Head, Preservation
Department, University of Rochester Libraries.

Tentative Program Outline

8:00-9:00 a.m.     Registration

9:00-9:10 a.m.     Welcome and Introduction - Peek

9:10-9:50 a.m.     Sound Recording in the Digital Age: A Report from the
                   - Hardy

9:50-10:30 a.m.    Understanding the Requirements: Digital Access to
Sound and 
                     Moving Images - Storm

10:30-10:55 a.m.   Networking Break

 10:55-11:25 a.m.  Contracting for Preservation Services. The many 
                     considerations for preparing a vendor contract for audio
                     transfer. - Lewis

11:25-12:10 p.m.   How Do They Do That?: Audio Tape Transfer Specifics.
                     basic overview of how things work electronically.-

12:10-1:30 p.m.    Lunch on your own

1:30-2:10 p.m.     Current Practices for Storing and Handling Audio
                     The best practices for acquiring, processing, and storing 
                     audio materials. -- Gibson

 2:10-2:45 p.m.    Preserving Digital Tapes. The problems associated with
                     digital tape preservation, environmental testing, and 
                     storage considerations.-Wheeler

2:45-3:10 p.m.     Networking Break

3:10-3:55 p.m.     Panel discussion, Questions and Answers -- All faculty

3:55-4:05 p.m.     Concluding remarks and acknowledgments - Peek

To Register

Join ALA/ALCTS now and register at member rates!
__ Add ALCTS to my ALA membership (ALA membership number
______________) $45
__ First-time membership in ALA ($50) and ALCTS ($45)                    $95
__ Regular renewing membership in ALA ($100) and ALCTS ($45)           

(For other ALA member categories contact Shonda M. Russell

Payment Information

Circle appropriate fee:

                                ALCTS         ALA Member        Non-ALA member

What in the World? (4463)       $135             $185                $235

Sound Preservation (4469)       $135             $185                $235

Jump Start (4464)               $135             $185                $235

__ Check or Money Order          __ Purchase Order

__VISA       __ Master Card      __ American Express

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Card number                                        Exp. Date

Signature (Signature required for all charges)

Name (please print) 
Organization Address
City State Zip
Preferred Mailing Address
City State Zip
Telephone (Office)                                 (Home) 
E-mail Address (please print) 
ALA Membership Number

[   ] Special Needs. Please attach a statement regarding your special need
by June 1, 1998.

-- Karen Muller
   Executive Director, LAMA/ALCTS
   50 E. Huron Street
   Chicago, IL 60611 USA
   800-545-2433 x5031
   fax: 312-280-5033
   e-mail: kmuller@xxxxxxx

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