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book drop

UNC-Chapel Hill also has the Highsmith book drop with the features Paula
described.  We bought it about a year ago to replace one that leaked and
tended to get books jammed at the side of its spring-cushioned shelf.  I
think the Highsmith drop is an improvement.  One of the features I really
like is the roll out bin/cart.  If you get an extra bin, you can just swap
the empty one for the full one and take books inside without spending time
in the rain loading a regular book truck.  This drop is located as a
drive-up return near the library's loading dock and wheelchair entrance,
which allows access to the building with a rolling bin.

We also have a drop slot through the wall at the front of the building,
however we have discussed replacing it with a stand alone book drop to
reduce the risk of arson or other vandalism via the slot that leads
directly into the building.  The interior drop is also a problem because
it was not designed for the current volume of returns.  We have not been
able to find a cushioned bin that fits in the space available, so we have
had to jury-rig something with foam cushions. 

The lesson we have learned is that book drop capacity has to be based on
the number of volumes returned at the end of the semester when so many
people return their books and go home for vacation.  This problem is most
acute on holiday weekends when we are closed for a weekend day and no one
is here to empty the book drop when it is full.  So people jam in as many
books as they can and have even been known to leave them stacked on the
paving bricks by the door (not something we encourage). 

I'm not thrilled with having book drops at all, but they are here to stay. 
All the same, it is possible to reduce some damage just by buying the best
one available and by making sure capacity is sufficient for peak returns. 


 Andrew Hart, Preservation Librarian
 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 CB#3918, Davis Library
 Chapel Hill, NC 27514
 tel: (919) 962-8047
 fax: (919) 962-4450
 email: ashart@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, 26 Mar 1998 padg@xxxxxxx wrote:

> 			    PADG Digest 107
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Re: Book Drops
> 	by Paula De Stefano <destefan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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