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PARS Leadership Guidelines Draft (fwd)

TO:  	All interested PARS members
FROM:	Lorraine Olley, Policy, Planning and Research Committee Chair

The draft of the PARS Leadership Guidelines is available on the Web at:


Please bookmark the address, and return to it often.

The aims of the Guidelines are:

1) to provide PARS officers, chairs, and members with the information they
need to get things done in PARS, ALCTS, and ALA;
2) to document the unique aspects of PARS (e.g., the relationship between
discussion groups and committees); and
3) to insure that PARS activities and organization are coordinated in
every important way with ALCTS.
The Policy, Planning and Research Committee is very much interested in
your comments about this document, which will be published solely on the
Web. Please spend as much time as you can looking through it, making
corrections and commenting.  (I have tried to make it very easy to comment
as you read.)  Thanks very much. 

[Disclaimer:  although this is a Committee project, as editor of this
draft I take full responsibility for typos, broken links, format problems,

Lorraine Olley				olley@xxxxxxxxxxx
Head, Preservation Department		812/855-6281
Main Library E050			812/855-2576 (fax)
Indiana University			http://www.indiana.edu/~libpres
Bloomington IN 47405

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